Beiträge vom 8. Mai 2011

small thoughts 2011-05-08 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011 7:59

  • Daten-zentrierter Journalismus sehr spannend und wichtig, aber: Daten mach halt noch keine Geschichte. #Narration #
  • Gipfeltreffen mit Zivilgesellschaft schön und gut Hatten wir nicht schon mal nen Atomkonsens? #
  • If supermarkets were like public schools an analogy who’s obvious message I don’t share, but still find interesting #
  • Comparing teaching and military can be surprisingly insightful. And McKinsey can do good work #NYTimes #Op-Ed #
  • Oh dear, major computer overdose today. But I’m happy my travel blog is up to date, and my brain has gotten it’s fix of science and politics #
  • Why we don’t hear much from physicists against nuclear energy & why we should turn to physicians for the critical science #
  • It seems the Osama thing makes more talk about torture necessary Glad we can dismiss it practically a well as morally #
  • beautiful little metaphor on publication bias in science #
  • Osama capture myths debunked, including the question of torture-elicited information #
  • How anti-Obama „birtherism“ is rooted in old segregation sentiments and former slave states Very thorough, and sad! #
  • Market Design — what economists can do when they stop arguing everything will be alright if you leave things alone Good! #
  • #travelinsight 42: It does seem like many of the brightest minds in Africa choose to work with and for development projects. Good or bad? #
  • More amazing science from our guts — there are 3 distinct types of bacteria ecosystems one can have, like blood types #
  • Patient or consumer — health care reform example of how market theory (and language) shapes the world #
  • #travelinsight 41: Better to have an explanation of Vernier Calipers in your notebook or use your ruler and express the result in cm and m? #
  • What stinks about the reports of Quaddafi’s son and grandchildren being killed by NATO, and his ceasefire offer #
  • #travelinsight 40: Seeing a petrified chicken in crowded bus reinforces my veganism. After emphasizing with the livelihood aspect in theory. #
  • #travelinsight 39: Moving market failure: get ripped off even knowing the right price. Supply and demand can be very local. Ad hoc oligopoly #
  • #travelinsight 38: You can fit 10 people and a big backpack in a car. And the police gives you a friendly wave. #
  • Interessante, stellenweise lange Rezension eines neuen Buches über Religiosität in den USA. Fremdes, spannendes Amerika! #

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