Beiträge vom Februar, 2012

small thoughts 2012-02-26 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 26. Februar 2012 7:59

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small thoughts 2012-02-19 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 19. Februar 2012 7:59

  • White House didn’t offer Republicans a deal they couldn’t refuse. It offered a confrontation they couldn’t win finally! #
  • SZ Magazin hat: „Wie … mich sieht — Bundespräsident“. Sehr lustig And yes, this meme is overused #
  • Soziale Gerechtigkeit ist 2012-Leitthema der Grünen. Zunächst viel geträumt. Projektgruppe Prioritätensetzung hilft #
  • #Colbert explains Obama’s Contraception Crusade Oh, and: „Catholic Charity Money“ is 62% taxpayer money #
  • #XKCD the google problem or: why it’s so hard to do evil things with internet power also: DO NOT reuse passwords #
  • #XKCD relationships in the digital age Don’t forget to hover your mouse over the image for the description, hilarious! #
  • Lack of apprenticeship-like training combined with recession and public spending cuts bring huge youth unemployment #
  • Oh damn Base Jumping looks fun and explains the Fermi Paradox at the same time #
  • Classical nudes photoshopped to be (almost) modern model proportions Scary how „normal“ the skinny versions look! #

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small thoughts 2012-02-12 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2012 7:59

  • RT @morninggloria @AmandaMarcotte I actually think „Trust God to Punish Me Adequately“ would be a pretty funny atheist pro-choice slogan. #
  • Energiewende besteht ersten Härtetest: Deutschland exportiert große Mengen Strom für französische Heizungen #
  • ZEIT widerlegt Vahrenholts „kalte Sonne“ Klimaskepsis & vergleicht mediale Rezeption mit Sarrazin #
  • Studienhürden von Arbeiterkindern Entscheidend die Zeit vor der Grundschule & die „soziale Distanz zum Studium“ im Kopf #
  • Myself in a radio interview — not as bad as expected. Work conditions in clothes manufacturing (german): (starts 9:40) #
  • Scheitern des „Deutschlandstipendiums“ am Verwaltungsaufwand — nur die Noten zählen Stipendien als sozialer Ausgleich? #
  • Two kids hit it big with „Top 60 ghetto black names“ & sweetest interview my favorite youtube celebrities! #
  • University Clinic Freiburg closes premature infant ward until multi-resistant bacteria problem is solved. The future is here … #
  • Is a rape victim different from a victim of a serial killer? The problem of advice to victims: #

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Automatic Bcc to arbitrary e-mail-address in Apple Mail

Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012 16:20

With a little help from the internet I figured out how to automatically send a Bcc (blindcopy) of each outgoing e-mail from Apple’s (the standard OS X Mail Program) to an e-mail address of my choice (there is a standard setting for sending a copy to the sender address, which is not what I wanted — I like having a copy of everything in my gmail account). As usually, you can do anything you like using the Terminal to change the default properties of the program.


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Twitter on my blog

Dienstag, 7. Februar 2012 10:21

I want to give the regular articles more prominence on my blog again, and hope I will get around to writing more of them, too. You can still catch up with my Twitter here, where there is always something happening.

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small thoughts 2012-02-05 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012 7:59

  • Cool HIV/AIDS awareness ad — „Matti Virtanen and 19 others were here.“ slut-shaming or owning your sexuality? #
  • #XKCD what happens with all things we consider negligible in experiments and theorizing? #pwned #physics #
  • Wulffs „schönste Zeigefinger“ mein Liebling: über Rau 2000 wünschte er sich einen „unbefangenen Bundespräsidenten“ … #
  • Tabu Sex und Körperbehinderung — „Freier mit Behinderung betrachten uns als Menschen“ #
  • Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: „personal witness to the wasteful futility and harms of our current drug policies“ #

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