alle Beiträge 2011

small thoughts 2011-12-25 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2011 7:59

  • Europäischer Gerichtshof: CO2-Emissionsscheine für alle Flüge in und aus der EU — auch ausländischer Unternehmen #
  • Evolution of menstruation: fetal invasiveness. Most mammals don’t menstruate! Interesting abortion PS #
  • After admiring graffiti in Sao Paulo and Rio (will blog pictures) I’m very impressed with this street art compilation #

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small thoughts 2011-12-18 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011 7:59

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small thoughts 2011-12-11 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011 7:59

  • If you thought England is laughing about the Euro crisis: They will loose whatever the outcome for the Euro will be #
  • Obama takes up 99% / Occupy Wall Street message Quite certainly good for the movement, but needs to go further #
  • Calvin and Hobbes — Dad Explains Science collection. Last one is my all-time favorite Oh joys of parenting and science! #
  • God save America — a frank & clear assessment of Republican candidates (SPIEGEL english, recommended by many friends) #
  • Big Bang Theory vs. the Algorithm of dating Pre-selection in matchmaking services impoverishes our relationships #
  • Top 10 untranslatable relationship words rich language makes richness of experience #psychology #constructivism #
  • Two thirds of psychologists report using bad research practice, one third has doubts about integrity of their own work #
  • #travelinsight 79: Portuguese must be the only language in the world where native speakers learn to conjugate their verbs in school… #

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small thoughts 2011-12-04 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011 7:59

  • Look at the center for 20 sec and never trust your eyes again scariest optical illusion ( #
  • More „gaslighting“: Manipulating people’s (emotional) reality and silencing them Must-read for women and men! #feminism #
  • Gummibärchen sind nicht gut für die Gelenke, plus Wissenswertes über Verdauung von Eiweißen allgemein #ZEIT #Stimmts #
  • Political internet art: the pepper-spraying cop I wish I could be more optimistic about how many people that reaches #
  • Fighting for atheism is not about atheists‘ rights — difference between identity (e.g. gay) and idea movements (#vegan) #
  • No-fault divorce laws make especially women happier, and don’t increase divorce rate And: opt-in „covenant marriage“ #
  • US vs International Time Magazine covers Bible and anxiety instead of politics. US friends see what you are missing! #
  • Egypt imports tons of tear gas from US, Egyptian port officials refuse to sign for the shipment I wish it had worked! #
  • Freiheitsindex Deutschland — abstrakte Freiheit schätzen und konkret Verbote wollen Oh je. #
  • Linksextrem = Rechtsextrem? Gefährliches konservatives Dogma, das Kampf gegen echten Extremismus erschwert #ZEIT #
  • Geschichte deutscher Entwicklungspolitik. Mit kurzen Lichtblicken schockierend Eine Erklärung für fehlenden Fortschritt #

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Supermarkets, Free Markets and why the Evolution Analogy fails

Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011 23:31

The Guardian has a very informative article on how supermarkets have taken over the country (in this case of course the UK), virtually wiping out small shops and changing communities for the worse. Some of the numbers:


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small thoughts 2011-11-20 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 20. November 2011 7:59

  • Gaslighting“ sad that it happens but fascinating concept, with important implications for working with abuse survivors #
  • Glad to get good news about the #OWS library and relations with police after the crackdown at Zuccotti Park #
  • Schlechte Nachrichten vom Strom-Kartell und Atomendlager, gute zum Ende von Kohlestrom und Ökostrom-Nutzung der Zechen #
  • Awesome visualization of how „Western Dance Music“ evolved, with global influences sadly US-UK-centric #

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Avoiding Bad Love — Reality, Respect and Misunderstood Romance

Montag, 14. November 2011 20:30

A combination of personal experiences, conversations with friends and reading feminist blogs (more serious thoughts on the Nice Guy™ concept I encountered there coming soon) have tempted me into writing a little guide to avoiding bad love, in basically two sections: Reality and Respect, with Misunderstood Romance as an overarching theme holding them together.


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Brazil 2: WWOOFing on the Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza

Montag, 14. November 2011 20:07

In the spirit of a rainy Sunday (now that my free time is mostly concentrated on the weekend, that really sucks) I’m catching up with my blogging. So these are almost real-time pictures from my current life and work on the Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza as a WWOOFer (these are the Brazil farms, mine is BRA108). Their main product is Bob-o-link Coffee, but they also have a range of „micro-lot“ coffees, specific beans in small quantities. And there’s a café in Freiburg using their coffee: „Elephant Beans“ in Basler Straße near Johanneskirche (for the locals ;) ), run by Jörg Volkmann who I had the pleasure to briefly talk to on Skype. Oh how the world is small!


Thema: English, Weltreise 2011 | Kommentare (2) | Autor:

small thoughts 2011-11-13 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 13. November 2011 7:59

  • While press raises worry about „Sharia“ in the new Libya, it is unquestioned in „liberated“ Iraq and Afghanistan #
  • Berlusconi zeigte, wie Anti-Parteien-Impulse antidemokratisch werden können und ein heimlich autoritäres Regime #
  • XKCD „Missile Launch Web Interface“ Which mistakes are important — also hover mouse on image and read. #
  • Science tattoos. Many are nerdy, but love the finks and Strebe Projection world map #
  • Tribal Bonds“: Sometimes refreshing to see the positive sides of our species pointed out how pro-social we really are #
  • I didn’t think Daylight Saving Time could ever make me laugh. Can, if dogs and food come into play #

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Thor vs. Jesus and Social Science

Mittwoch, 9. November 2011 16:45

This little comic comparing different gods‘ achievement made me laugh twice — first because the comparison is so sweet, and second when I talked about it with a friend who pointed to some methodological flaws in the conclusion. So I can’t resist sharing it here, and commenting on how it illustrates some problems in (especially) social science research on intervention effects.


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