Beiträge vom September, 2011

small thoughts 2011-09-25 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 25. September 2011 7:59

  • Qualvoller (und weitgehend einkommensfreier) Ausbildungsweg zum Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten Ärzte sind schon weiter #
  • A Science journal review says gender-separate education based on pseudoscience, with really no benefits (German SZ link) #
  • Glücksatlas 2011 — Deutsche glücklicher trotz Wirtschaftskrise Glückwunsch Johannes, gute Arbeit! ;) #
  • Evolutionary algorithm finds optimal build orders for StarCraft II the right place for quantitative science after all… #
  • Economics should become an „operational discipline“ like law instead of (metaphysical) science (can skip to 3rd heading) #
  • Debt increases young adults‘ self-esteem — apologetics of the credit culture #addictivespending #americandreama #
  • Economic practice of discounting cash flows institutionalizes short-term thinking makes environment analyzes useless #

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From gift and credit to money — did markets make us Homo Oeconomicus?

Sonntag, 18. September 2011 13:11

Via Chris Bertram on Crooked Timber I read an article by David Graeber, a social anthropologist, called „On the Invention of Money – Notes on Sex, Adventure, Monomaniacal Sociopathy and the True Function of Economics“. It is sufficiently long to really cover all these topics, and I agree with Bertram that it is „one of the most informative and entertaining pieces I’ve read in a long while“. Do read the whole thing!

The core argument is about how money came to be — which in most economic textbooks is explained as a logical development from a barter trade system, where you have to find somebody with a complementary need and offer in the marketplace. But this assumption about our economic past is soundly refuted by actual anthropological and historical research. It is very fascinating to follow the research as to what are actual probable pathways to money usage. And how economic activities were organized before that tells us a lot about how the economic system shapes even deep-rooted human qualities. The bottom line there is that behavior in accordance with „Homo Oeconomicus“ models probably only really came about after markets were invented. And it is because economists cannot (or don’t want to) imagine a human being with different ways of decision-making that they persist on the „money developed from barter trade“ myth despite solid evidence to the contrary. This is, again, in the service of not acknowledging the own status as a „reflexive“ social science which not only describes but also strongly influences human behavior and social processes.

So, first of all, how did people go about their business before money was around?


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small thoughts 2011-09-18 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 18. September 2011 7:59

  • Micro-entrepreneurs move from software to hardware is the era of companies coming to an end? Long but good. Thanks Markus #
  • Average American consumes more animal products than fruit & veg of course way too much sugar, too. Cool visualization… #
  • Hälfte der Langzeitarbeitslosen hat keine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung, 40% über 50 Jahre alt faul? #
  • Thorough feminist critique of public discourse about evolution of female orgasms Must-read for EvoPsy-fans #
  • Psychology demonstrates bisexual men exist Ouch, science can be so far from real life can’t it? #quantitativepitfalls #

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Kenya 3 — WWOOF in Odienya

Freitag, 16. September 2011 16:45

For the WWOOFing I just got back from, I’m forced to share pictures of other volunteers there due to the theft of my camera. And it’s so hard to buy a decent replacement even in Nairobi! The good thing is, there are some things which even I wasn’t lucky enough to see. Like the local youths playing football on a field near the farm and nursery school that are part of the project.


Thema: English, Weltreise 2011 | Kommentare (1) | Autor:

Tanzania 13 — Zanzibar

Freitag, 16. September 2011 16:09

Back in Nairobi after the WWOOFing in Odienya near Rongo near Kisii near Kisumu in Kenya (more on that later) I am wrapping up „my Africa“, in a way. And now that I’m happily back to a reliable electricity connection, I start by posting some pictures from Zanzibar. Those are still taking with my own camera, oh how I miss it! Beware of Nairobi matatus (the infamous minibuses)…


Thema: English, Weltreise 2011 | Kommentare (1) | Autor:

small thoughts 2011-09-11 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 11. September 2011 7:59

  • Antisocial personality traits predict utilitarian responses to moral dilemmas“ Seems there’s more to being really human. #
  • RT @sueddeutschede Fährunglück vor Tansanias Küste: Überfüllte Fähre kentert vor Sansibar — viele Tote befürchtet #
  • This will bring me back to civilization after this year. And show you how old you have become Internet memes 101 #Pogue #
  • Bürgerliche entdecken laut #FAZ dass sie sich vom Kapital missbrauchen ließen die Linke recht hatte CDU moralisch leer #
  • #Krugman models and explains financial crisis‘ infamous deleveraging policy implications: government spending :) Strong! #
  • Ozy’s law: „Misandry mirrors misogyny“ (gender stereotypes cut both ways). True, but power issue remains. #feminism #men #
  • Kapitalistische Elite ist (mangels Systemkonflikt?) zynisch geworden: Ende der Glücksversprechen, Markt als Schicksal #
  • Contemplative book review on electronic „information bubbles“ how much „other“ thinking do we need? #
  • #Krugman makes me wonder why (crude) moral judgement seems to trump analysis in economic policy #
  • Top Ten Green Energy News Wind lenses, wave energy, Egypt goes solar and wind, solar prices sharply down, … Wow! #
  • Über 20% des deutschen Stroms sind bereits „grün“ Und die öffentliche Zustimmung sogar zur Ökostromumlage ist riesig #

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small thoughts 2011-09-04 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 4. September 2011 7:59

  • #nytimes analysis of German green party success spearheading a worldwide trend I really love German politics right now! #
  • The US conservatives‘ game of saying things you don’t mean to people who (mostly) don’t believe them either #
  • Average penis size explains more variation (20%) in GDP growth than political regime type #hardscience #bewareofnumbers #
  • NATO not occupying Libya after all, doing business there is not bad, and extremists are not taking over either #
  • Bundesnetzagentur entscheidet sich gegen Reserve-AKW Atomausstieg ist ist damit rund — allerdings mit Kohle… #
  • Könnten die Bayern ernsthaft die CSU abwählen? Laut Forsa hätte Rot-Grün-Freie Wähler gerade eine satte Mehrheit. Go Ude! #
  • Gender-Theorie kommt in französischen Schulbüchern an Glückwunsch, Frankreich! Wird die Welt doch langsam besser? #
  • 2011 is not 2004: we should stop thinking of the internet as „anti-people“ and of „offline“ and „online“ life as separate #
  • Wow. In Finland, speeding fines are relative to your income. Police has direct access to tax records — a fine… /via @SebastianSanne smart! #
  • #travelinsight 73: Farmwork is damn hard. My soft student’s hands are all blistery from few hours of weeding. Still, #WWOOF rocks :) #

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A scholarship application and the construction of self

Freitag, 2. September 2011 12:04

I just finished an application for a scholarship to do my Ph.D. in Freiburg starting next year. So yes, after some eight months out there in the world I clearly felt I like the thought of going back to science a lot. I’m actually really excited about it, because the project tackles some philosophical and practical questions at the same time, and is set up in a very multiple methods kind of way, ranging from physiological measurements to open („qualitative“) interviews, all of which suits me perfectly. The title still sounds quite technical though, in English it would be something like this: „Importance of Cognitive and Psychophysiological Processes for the Effectiveness of Exposure Therapy in Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder“.

But this just for background, what want I want to write about here is the experience I had writing the application, because I feel it illustrates and supports constructivist concepts of a „narrative self“ which I like a lot.


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