Beiträge vom April, 2012

small thoughts 2012-04-29 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 29. April 2012 7:59

  • hipster racism“ (racism „enlightened“ people do) „we prove we’re not racist by acting as casually racist as possible?“ #
  • Maybe I’m the last to know, but: OpenOffice is dead, LibreOffice takes up the work #
  • Rebound Effekt“: Höhere Energieeffizienz führt zu mehr Verbrauch Emissionsreduktion braucht also Wachstumsverzicht? #

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small thoughts 2012-04-22 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 22. April 2012 7:59

  • NDR: Goldene Schürze und kleinen Chor für Kristina Schröders Buch und „Betreuungsgeld“ #

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Is competition healthy for governments?

Mittwoch, 18. April 2012 20:31

I enjoy reading economist Greg Mankiw because he often makes conservative political views understandable for me — even if rarely agreeable. He misses the mark completely in a recent NYTimes opinion on competition between governments. I am especially astounded how the counter-arguments are right there in his own article, but he fails to notice them. Let me start with his main statement:


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small thoughts 2012-04-15 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 15. April 2012 7:59

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small thoughts 2012-04-15 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 15. April 2012 7:59

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Psychotherapie-Witze — verschiedene Therapeuten erklären den Weg zum Bahnhof

Montag, 9. April 2012 12:58

Einer meiner Lieblingswitze, d.h. eigentlich eine Serie von Witzen, den ich schon so oft googeln musste, dass ich ihn jetzt mal hier festhalte. Erklärt, was verschiedene Therapieschulen und andere soziale Berufe im Kern so machen in jeweils einem Satz.

Ein Passant fragt: „Wo geht’s denn hier zum Bahnhof?“ Es antwortet ihm ein:


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small thoughts 2012-04-08 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 8. April 2012 7:59

  • Perpetuated inequality in advanced, rich societies: Hunger Games‘ „Panem“, „extractive economy“ & developing countries #
  • #MathNerdFun what does the function y = x^x look like? I highly recommend thinking before clicking #

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small thoughts 2012-04-01 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 1. April 2012 7:59

  • My new office PC has nice built-in speakers! Now I’m dreaming with the elephants at work… gracias Patri! #
  • Charles Murray (author of Bell Curve and a new book on White America coming apart) on Colbert Report somehow touching #
  • Wow I think I need to start watching the community series #
  • Privacy vs security’s „nothing to hide“ refuted Kafkaesque instead of Orwellian view: info processing vs. gathering #

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