small thoughts 2011-06-26 (my week in twitter)
Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011 7:59
- #SZ Kommentar zum Ausstiegs-Ja, der viel Hoffnung für die Grünen macht http://j.mp/maaKDD So oder so: gut gemacht, Grüne! #
- RE #RSS If you want me to visit your blog, how about writing something that invites me to comment? Web 2.0, right? #
- If you have an #RSS feed, don’t make it be one-liners. I won’t be teased and visit your stupid blog over and over. I’ll delete your feed. #
- Getting „married“ on facebook http://j.mp/jN7fQY „no pending invites to stray“ #moderntimes #
- #travelinsight 65: Saying good-bye to people with no digital communication feels much more final — even though, who really writes e-mails? #
- While Obamacare & Ryancare are similar, one is a good compromise for uninsured, the other worsening existing care http://j.mp/jNOnFz #
- Nations are not companies. EU Countries make their economies weak and unequal by trying to be „competitive“ http://j.mp/jh1rRV #
- Free speech in the west and the knowability of truth, from prescribed history to political correctness http://j.mp/lELj7f Fascinating! #
- Compassionate story of an ex-gay, showing the struggles and mind-games that still trouble our sexual identities http://j.mp/mIJgwZ #
- Nachrichten aus unserem abgeschafften Entwicklungshilfeministerium und dem ecudorianischen Regenwald http://j.mp/jSKPTW Genau falsche EZ #
- After frustration with my WordPress-Blog comment system: I’m not alone http://j.mp/kTiVZo but where do I go from there? Help! #
- #Krugman on liberalism & 5 influential books http://j.mp/jJsjMh Fascinating how central epistemology is, a topic I keep coming back to, too. #
- Historischer Bogen Grüner Bildungspolitik: Bildung für soziale Gerechtigkeit, der Weg zur „Gemeinschaftsschule“ lang http://j.mp/mJnR5c #
- Secret rule of the proletariat (sort of) in the US: managerialist, not capitalist http://j.mp/lZrJPR Do we need corporate democracy? #
- The cocaine-related death of a basketball star triggered the US war on drugs 25 years ago http://j.mp/iQnvyK Can coincidences shape history? #
- #Krugman argues the Greece problem can only be solved by defaulting the debt, and talks about the costs of delaying that http://j.mp/iFe2ny #
- When companies try to do science — McKinsey’s bold health care claim and refusal (inability?) to produce the evidence http://j.mp/m0OmnX #
- #travelinsight 64: Good gear and boots — happy as a child in the rain! And the mixed smell of wet mud, grass and eucalyptus, ahhh! #
- #travelinsight 63: It can be a privilege to not understand the language: You get lots of time to observe and think about things. #
- #travelinsight 62: I’m good with Kiswahili grammar and pronunciation, not so much with vocabulary — does that mean I’m lazy? #
- US has only been militarized as intensely as now since WWII, and maybe ending the superpowerdom will not hurt too much http://j.mp/m9l8Tz #
- Die #TAZ hat ein simples Online-Tool zur Suche von Parteispenden über 10.000€, Firmen & privat. Es lebe die Transparenz! http://j.mp/jalJIi #
- Neuroscience is a (reflexive) social science: disbelief in free will changes brain activity (and behavior) — to the worse http://j.mp/klB8zG #
- Spannende und kontroverse Liste von technischen Durchbrüchen, die (vielleicht) bevorstehen. Gut gemacht #ZEIT http://j.mp/mscLMl #
- #Mankiw shows how you get the same behind different language in health care http://j.mp/iW1Jd8 Why do democrats choose the „bad“ language? #
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