small thoughts 2011-06-19 (my week in twitter)
Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011 7:59
- Learn child care, health care and fair pay from the military. A well-functioning socialist endeavor in the US’s heart http://j.mp/jJtjG6 #
- CIA ordered by Bush administration to find „damaging“ information about displeasing Middle East blogger http://j.mp/jky8qo Very disturbing. #
- It makes me sick that there’s a whole politics of its own about winning Wall Street donations http://j.mp/koMGx2 And especially Obama! #
- Subtle corruption by naming a building or institution after somebody http://j.mp/k5xTfv very much agree with #Mankiw here #
- The virtue of „moral imagination“ vs. one step leading to the next. Good freshman talk, and very noteworthy comments too! http://j.mp/mvhlh7 #
- Review of a SF-Book that promises fun — and insights into how language and stories shape our world http://j.mp/kt7HCf Can’t wait! #
- Griechenland-Krise ähnelt dem Versailler Vertrag, und Lösung ist Europäische Finanzpolitik ohne nationale Parlamente http://j.mp/jn85mU wow! #
- Auguri, Italia! http://j.mp/kkGADw Die Berlusconi-Ära scheint vorbei, hoffen wir dass die italienische Linke was zu bieten hat. #
- Things can always be different, and not every US war is for oil. Libya definitely isn’t, read why on #InformedComment http://j.mp/jgMwNJ #
- #travelinsight 61: RE sugar cane: Europe and US here are refined sugar of course, making this an inverted U-shaped development curve for me. #
- #travelinsight 60: The difference between Africa and India and is chewing sugar cane and drinking fresh sugar cane juice. Both nice, but… #
- #TechTip SafeSleepOnce http://j.mp/mTJN4W the much-needed „deep sleep“ (hibernation) Button for Mac OS X. Also here: tested many, kept one #
- #TechTip „Mental Case“ the first spaced repetition learning software that does the job for me http://j.mp/iGObOs not free, but worth it #
- Paul #Krugman has a chart comparing Medicare and private insurance cost increases. Health markets not a good idea http://j.mp/jF7zUl #
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