small thoughts 2011-01-23 (my week in twitter)
Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011 7:59
- A book on (especially sociobiological) naturalism http://j.mp/dF5GiU gave me the idea for an #n gram of „normal“ http://j.mp/eJsnB6 #
- #travelinsight 3: practicing the art of relaxing. Way harder than I thought! #
- #valuescience #TED video http://j.mp/fkhGP2 are there right answers to moral questions? Don’t necessarily agree, but thought-provoking #
- I love semi-professional youtube stuff — like „Pale kid raps fast“ http://j.mp/eNxWUm Yo! #
- social costs vs monetary fines http://j.mp/fXaNaa (story of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation told nicely) #
- Justice is what love looks like in public, just like tenderness is what love feels like in private — Cornel West http://j.mp/gFlZ9g #colbert #
- „A Night in Tunisia“, Tunisian novelist describing his experiences with (and supporting) the revolution http://j.mp/f4FSLV #nytimes #op-ed #
- #travelinsight 2: don’t forget about sport #
- #travelinsight 1: one serving is enough, the pot need not be empty, and a vegan belly can feel even better after a meal #
- Wikileaks cables reveal Israel’s intention to „keep Gaza’s economy on the brink of collapse“ http://j.mp/dRg4ZO youtube: http://j.mp/hyKh3I #
- tax evasion uncovered 2.0 — this time through Wikileaks http://j.mp/dXVmxZ I hope Swiss courts have some sense of right and wrong #
- is the polarization and intensity of the political debate due to a general loss of personal modesty (replaced by ego)? http://j.mp/fUfun6 #
- given the bad press microcredit has recently gotten, good to read Yunus‘ explanations and solutions http://j.mp/gB9OG9 #nytimes #op-ed #
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