small thoughts 2011-01-30 (my week in twitter)
Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011 7:59
- Given the right topic, #Colbert can have a serious interview, and psychology can be fascinating http://j.mp/eXFOWg (time-travelling porn…) #
- Türkisch Deutscher Keks http://j.mp/eW82hN Mulitikulti kann auch lustig sein (sehr!) Danke an Bernhard für die Lachtränen! #
- Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen über den Weg in die Zukunft der (erneuerbaren) Energie http://j.mp/hs6Ko9 klingt sehr verständig #
- German newspaper ZEIT readers interview (in English) J. S. Foer („Eating Animals“) http://j.mp/fR9XYR — especially like his Veganism answer #
- aiming high, but Tunisia shows there’s some truth in it: Facebook and Peace http://j.mp/eMSgCX (nice little graphs) #
- Das ZDF kann Jahresrückblick (spät, ich weiß, aber gut) http://j.mp/frTs1t Danke Johannes! #
- #Ngram of sympathy, empathy and selfishness http://j.mp/emsrf0 (inspired by an interview featuring eco-psych book rec. http://j.mp/ibijzD) #
- US federal agency to enter drug research after 15 years of declining output in the industry http://j.mp/gOAUF8 #NewPlan #
- Twitter from #Tunisia (mostly in French) http://j.mp/ezljfl via #nytimes http://j.mp/hBD6YL #
- Old Europeans adopted by African families (no joke). Hope I can see that movie http://j.mp/gfA7pY German article about it http://j.mp/fLVHXw #
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