Ich erfreue mich immer wieder an Nachrichten, die sich wie ein Science-Fiction-Roman lesen (hier mal wieder NYTimes). Das Funktionieren des Internets wird immer wichtiger, und so werden Angriffe darauf immer ernster. Und die Verteidiger erlangen eine wichtige Rolle, ähnlich vielleicht den Medizinern des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Der Virus (oder Wurm oder wasimmer) „Conficker“ scheint sich zu einer Art Krieg zwischen Computerexperten auf beiden Seiten entwickelt zu haben. Kleine Fehler der Verteidigungsallianz werden sofort bestraft, die Angreifer bedienen sich Ideen, die gerade erst an den Universitäten (?!) entwickelt wurden. Und die Verteidigung greift zu ungewöhnlichen Maßnahmen:
In early April, Patrick Peterson, a research fellow at Cisco Systems in San Jose, Calif., gained some intelligence about the authors’ interests. He studies nasty computer programs by keeping a set of quarantined computers that capture and observe them — his “digital zoo.”
He discovered that the Conficker authors had begun distributing software that tricks Internet users into buying fake antivirus software with their credit cards. “We turned off the lights in the zoo one day and came back the next day,” Mr. Peterson said, noting that in the “cage” reserved for Conficker, the infection had been joined by a program distributing an antivirus software scam.
Der Kampf gegen Conficker markiert den Eintritt in eine neue Ära. Und liest sich sehr schön:
If the misbegotten computer were reactivated, it would not have the problem-solving ability of supercomputers used to design nuclear weapons or simulate climate change. But because it has commandeered so many machines, it could draw on an amount of computing power greater than that from any single computing facility run by governments or Google. It is a dark reflection of the “cloud computing” sweeping the commercial Internet, in which data is stored on the Internet rather than on a personal computer.
The industry group continues to try to find ways to kill Conficker, meeting as recently as Tuesday. Mr. Joffe said he, for one, was not prepared to declare victory. But he said that the group’s work proved that government and private industry could cooperate to counter cyberthreats.
“Even if we lose against Conficker,” he said, “there are things we’ve learned that will benefit us in the future.”
Sonntag, 6. September 2009 19:06
it’s evolution, kind of. people who aren’t able to use the computer properly get scammed and ultimately robbed. those people learn their lesson the hard way.
Montag, 7. September 2009 13:38
weeell — it would be evolution if people’s ability to reproduce depended on it somehow, which I can’t really see happening ;)But I think the evolution metaphor has a point refering to the computing systems themselves, including the internet. They evolve in an environment full of parasites, much like ours has been.