small thoughts 2011-04-24 (my week in twitter)
Sonntag, 24. April 2011 7:59
- If like me you can’t always follow news, a good summary of „Arab Spring“ near-revolutionary countries‘ situation http://j.mp/fspEvp #
- Optimistic comment about a military solution in Libya http://j.mp/e0432p what are drones http://j.mp/flliYq SZ critical http://j.mp/ia2n4R #
- Protesting as a woman in a Muslim country or: regimes use Islam and Feminism as expedient http://j.mp/gzO5Uf #
- If anybody still had doubts — Informed Comment cites official evidence on the Oil-Iraq War link, with thoughtful comments http://j.mp/hRE9IQ #
- Lese sehr gerne ein SZ-Interview mit unserem zukünftigen Ministerpräseidenten http://j.mp/eoRfd2 Reflektiert, realistisch, hoffnungsvoll #
- NYTimes gives an overview of influential academic bloggers http://j.mp/fun6U3 Seems many big professors found a new hobby Worthwile! #
- Wer ist eine Frau? Problematische Konstruktion von Geschlecht im Profisport http://j.mp/evQcFi SZ #
- Schmidbauer im SZ-Gespräch über sein neues Buch über Geld, Angst und Glück http://j.mp/g9ZcqK und was Altes dazu von mir http://j.mp/hyV2LD #
- #travelinsight 34: Trying to wrap my mind around that love for money concept, in all shapes from buying drinks to paying the rent to cash #
- #travelinsight 33: Addicted to my Feldenkrais exercises since the massage with that amazing french guy Goupi in Auroville http://j.mp/eGBR2S #
- Updated my travel schedule http://goo.gl/maps/ELGh #
- Recognize twitter spam http://j.mp/dPb7U6 and when to block odd followers http://j.mp/fSYFZK #
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