Beiträge vom 8. Juli 2012

small thoughts 2012-07-08 (my week in twitter)

Sonntag, 8. Juli 2012 7:59

  • Psychotherapie: Warum es zu wenige Psychologen in Deutschland gibt — SPIEGEL ONLINE Bedarfsplanung & Kassensitze #
  • Frei sein können wir nur, wenn wir die Freiheit miteinander aushandeln „Fifty Shades of Grey“ moralisch modern? #
  • How you check into a camping in the remote Norwegian Fjords in the 21st century. Oh, guess how I took this picture :) #
  • Democracy needs majorities and a constitution. Else psychiatrists in Florida couldn’t ask patients about guns any more #
  • Congratulations Eiko! Evolutionary „encounter“ moving up in photo contest. Rightfully so! #
  • Important rant against pharmaceutical companies, mis– and overuse of psychotropic drugs, & companies buying government #

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